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7 Interesting Singapore Attractions for Kids

Singapore is a jewel of a city in Southeast Asia, a great place for families to visit and enjoy together. like Paket Tour Singapore 3 Hari 2 Malam With a unique blend of attractions and things to do, Singapore is an exciting place to visit.  Allow me to show you seven of the top Singapore attractions for children and their families.

Singapore Ducktours – Enjoy this wonderful time of traveling both on land and over the water, all without having to leave the Duck!  The Duck was used in the Vietnam War and is now used to show visitors some of Singapore's historic landmarks such as the Merlion Park, Clifford Pier, and the Esplanade.

Underwater World Singapore – This is an aquarium and so much more!  You'll walk through an incredible 83m-long tunnel where you'll have sharks, fish, and rays swimming around and above you. Touch and feed rays first hand at the Ray of Fun pool.  Feed fish at The Mystical Anti Gravity Interactive Concept Tank, through a hole in the middle of a water-filled tank. You'll scratch your head and ask, 'Why doesn't the water flow out?' At the Dolphin Lagoon, the whole family will enjoy meeting very special Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphins that are actually pink!

Singapore Zoo – The Singapore Zoo is an experience you'll never forget.  You'll have the opportunity to see several species of birds, reptiles, fish, and mammals in this "open" zoo.  There are over 315 animal species here!  A walk through The Fragile Forest will make you feel as though you're actually in the rainforest.  Enjoy breakfast with an orangutan, a reticulated python or the Oriental small-clawed otter.  You'll also see several threatened species of animals with their babies that were born and raised in the Singapore Zoo.

Singapore Science Centre – Which child doesn't enjoy getting wet?  Your children can enjoy more than 11 hands-on exhibits at the Singapore Science Centre's Waterworks.  Once you've all dried off in the Giant Dryer, enjoy the stunning Kinetic Garden, with over 35 interactive exhibits showing how energy changes from one form to another.  After that, visit the Omni-Theatre and watch a spectacular film on the five-storey high and 23m-wide screen.

Jurong Bird Park – If you love birds, this is the place for you!  In this huge walk-in aviary, there are over 1,000 brightly coloured lorikeets flying around freely for you to enjoy and feed from the central feeding tower.  Jurong Bird Park boasts over 600 different species of birds, totaling around 9,000 birds!  See bird species from Australia, Africa, the Antarctic, and Indonesia, to name a few.  Two bird shows give you the chance to see macaws and hawks in action.  See the entire park by panorail or on foot to experience the park at its best.

Marina City Park – In South Singapore, Marina City Park is right on the water and perfect for a relaxing family day.  The two-tiered pond with a fountain that shoots water 18 meters into the air and the children's playground make this park a favorite with children.  From Marina City Park, you'll have a spectacular view of both Singapore's skyline and the sea.  

Singapore Night Safari – Get a whole new view of wildlife at the Singapore Night Safari. You can see the animals anytime from 7.30pm to midnight while walking on the trail or riding the tram.  Nocturnal animals such as raccoons, owls, and wolves are just a few of the 120 exotic species contained in this one-of-a-kind night zoo. So don't miss this experience.

Children of all ages, (and their parents), will love visiting Singapore and creating memories that will last a lifetime.  There is so much to see and do that you might have to return again another time!


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